Friday, April 01, 2016

A new start

First of April. I've run every day since mid-January. Only a few minutes around the block at first, but recently I completed 3 runs of over half an hour.

I'd like to do a 24-hour run the year after I turn 60. Barefooted. 

So here I'd like to set up a baseline. 

At the local 600-metre walk/jog course I did 10 laps in 36 minutes. I was trying to go slow, but that's difficult when there are other people around. (I get competitive.)

So I can do 10 km/h pace at 60% effort. The big toes and side of the feet were a little tender as in my first barefoot days. Another statistic was that I took 50 to 55 double steps i.e. 90 cm per stride. Or 172 steps per minute (POSE pace).

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Two and a half years down the track (not)

I see it's been a while since I posted. Several things that I'd like to comment on. For now, just the headings. I'll fill them in as and when.

  1. I'm holding off on the 100 X 100 thing. Though I'm not knocking it on the head.
  2. Good news about body core strength. Mention situational exercises and the 'exercises in my sleep' routine.
  3. Inspired by learning about Mami Kudo.
  4. 60th birthday less than a year away.
  5. All the opportunity in the world to set a 24-hour barefoot world record.
  6. A 3-year foot problem looks to be remedied.
  7. A hiatus from running has been broken! An anti-streak of 1.5 months is well underway, and I feel fine!
  8. Checking out low carbs and high fat: Stu Mittleman, Timothy Olsen etc